Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening in Groton, MA

Whitening is the process of making your teeth brighter. Brushing and flossing are the main ways that people use to keep their teeth white, bright, and healthy. Maintaining oral hygiene is vital if you want to maintain that confident look. The whitening process is easy and simple. Whitening products typically contain bleaches like sodium peroxide or carbamide peroxide. Stains are broken down into smaller pieces making the color less concentrated so the teeth become whiter. Here at Smiles of Groton we offer the best ways to make your teeth look appealing, bright, and whiter.

Why Did My Teeth Change Color?

Some of the reasons why teeth may change color from whiter to dull are the food and drinks you consume. Some foods such as coffee, red wine, and tea have intense color pigment chromogens attaching to the outer white part of the tooth.

Using tobacco stains the teeth since it has tar that is dark and nicotine, that when mixed with oxygen turns yellow and causes stains to the teeth.

Age is another reason your teeth might stain since enamel gets thinner and exposes dentin which is a dark layer under it.

Trauma to the mouth causes darkening of teeth.

Finally, some medications may cause the teeth to be darker such as antihistamines and high blood pressure medications.

Does Whitening Work On All Teeth?

Teeth whitening does not work on all teeth since some teeth may have discoloration due to medications or tooth injury. The whitening process is something that you should discuss with the dentist. Yellow teeth might bleach well while brown teeth may not, and gray teeth may not bleach at all. Our dentist can determine if teeth whitening will be beneficial for you.

What are The Whitening Options?

First, talk to the dentist about teeth whitening before beginning the procedure. There are kinds of toothpaste that have stain removal power, the use of mild abrasives, and have additional polishing agents that make your teeth shine. This toothpaste does not change color, but they remove stains on the enamel.

Chairside bleaching is also known as in-office is a one-time visit to the dentist where we apply protective gel to the gums for protection and then apply bleach to the teeth.

We also provide at-home bleach. Our dentist will offer instructions on how to place bleaching solutions on the tray and for what length of time. The procedure is slowly done and can take even weeks to complete. Before using any bleach make sure that you discuss with the dentist on best-bleaching agents for your teeth.

If you would like to have whiter and brighter teeth, our team at Smiles of Groton is ready to help! You can call us at (978) 449-4679 to get more information on how to whiten and remove stains on your teeth, while also getting all your questions answered.

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